Education Curated for Everyone.
At MGW, we believe that students from around the globe should have the opportunity to afford international education which would help them pursue successful careers internationally and most importantly in their own countries. We focus on Business Courses to help boost your own career or business and most of all on Hospitality courses which also include work experience in different countries that offer the best hospitality work experience like Malaysia, Dubai, New Zealand, Australia and USA.
With a combination of diplomas and degrees offered by our own schools (in Switzerland, Denmark and USA) and our partner educational institutes in Malaysia, India, Sri Lanka, and many other countries, we offer curated education packages for students all around the world
With the world becoming more connected every day, the opportunity to get international education is becoming even more important. With increasing demand for international education around the world we are here to offer courses at affordable rates and also offer luxurious education experience for those who want to study in style. Whatever your financial situation or educational background, we offer education curated for everyone